
Achieve Pandemic Proof Business Telecoms

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we all scrambled to adapt to the “New Normal” however we could. At Ocean, we unplugged our desk phones, grabbed our PC’s and set them up at home. Within 24 hours the whole team, from Support through to Sales, was up and running.

Since then we’ve been caught in a whirlwind, helping countless customers (existing and new) pandemic-proof their telecoms.

After 6 months of providing Telecoms during an unprecedented pandemic, we’ve put together a few pointers for anyone struggling.

What makes up business Telecoms?

Business telecoms is made up of any technology your business uses to communicate with customers and colleagues. Many of its components are used for other purposes (such as broadband) and therefore may seem unrelated. Each of the below can potentially be supplied to the same business, by different providers.

Telecoms should never be a burden to your business, especially in a pandemic where communication is more important than ever before. With everyone working from home, the requirements put on the tools we use to talk to colleagues and customers have changed.

Telecoms Health Check:

1. Who are your Providers?

Check who is supplying what aspects of your business telecoms. This will help get a thorough understanding of what your current set-up is.

2. Audit & Evaluate your needs

Before getting in touch with providers, map out what your current requirements are and then see if they are being met.

Things to look out for:

  • VOIP and Mobile Minute/Data Bundles: How often do you exceed the limits and end up paying out of bundle charges?
  • Internet Speed: Is it fast enough? What speeds are available in your area?
    • Pro Tip: If you have not reviewed your internet speed with your provider for a while, you may be able to have faster speeds at the same price you’re paying now!
  • Number of devices: Too many? Too Few?

3. How long are you tied to your current set-up for?

Most contracts require you give at least 90 days’ notice. Alternatively, you will either be charge early termination fees, rolled into another long-term contract or be on 30 day rolling with out of contract rates.

Pro Tip: Review existing contracts with your provider before the term is up and make sure you’re not currently being charged out of contract rates. It’s the easiest way to save money on your Telecoms.

4. Contract coming to an end?

If you happen to be out of contract, renegotiate with your current supplier or see if another one will give you a better rate. This will also put you in the position to shop for the best service level for your business. Something worth considering if you’re not satisfied with service currently received.

Pro Tip: Having all aspects of your Telecoms with a single supplier can be beneficial if you’re satisfied with the level of service they provide. They’ll also able to give you better rates, more flexibility and go the extra mile!

5. Struggling with Flexible Working?

If you’re struggling to adapt to WFH with the tools you currently have, consult your telecoms specialist or get in touch with Ocean Telecom. B2B Telecoms has evolved alongside the ever-changing requirements of the industry. Most suppliers will be able to point you in the right direction.

Pro Tip: Don’t try and go it alone when it comes to home working set-ups, with enough to think of, get in touch with a specialist and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what they can offer.

6. Free Business Trials

Telecoms solutions have been central to businesses since the start of the COVID pandemic. Most major providers are offering unprecedented free trial periods of their solutions.

Take advantage of the trials most major providers are offering to help ease the impact COVID has had on work life. Get a first hand account of how the technology works and get a feel for how it fits in (or not) with your business.


No matter how the pandemic affects your business, a review of your business telecom set-up is an easy way to save money. Improve service received, get help setting up home-working, get faster connectivity or all of the above!

If any questions arise whilst reviewing your current set-up, don’t hesitate to Get In touch and we’ll do our best to help! Anyone can Achieve Pandemic Proof Business Telecoms!

T: 01284 771 555

10 Woodside Business Park,
Thetford Road,
Suffolk, IP31 1NR