COVID-19 lockdown measures, although varying across the country, are somewhat easing and people are beginning to return to work and open the offices again. While many businesses will introduce flexible working hours, with employees still working from home sometimes, many will be working in an office environment again.
Ensuring the safety of staff is obviously paramount during this time, but business owners also need to make sure they’re operating sustainably too. Have you reviewed the energy efficiency of your workplace post-lockdown?
Here are some top tips from Ocean Telecom to reduce your energy bills in the long term.
How to Save Money on Your Office Energy Bills Post-Lockdown
1. Check Your Current Energy Contract to See Where You Can Save Money
Did you know that during lockdown, 1 in 6 customers will have fallen onto out-of-contract rates? These are 80% more expensive than your contract rates! Make sure you check your energy contract end dates as soon as possible or send us a bill to check for you. Don’t pay more than you should during this difficult time.
2. Check All of Your Office Appliances
Measuring and monitoring your office energy is a great starting point to becoming more energy efficient. When you return to the office, make sure to check all of your appliances, including your heating and air conditioning, to see if they have been left on standby or on a cycle during lockdown. Adjust these cycles accordingly and only keep appliances on that you use. Also, remember to check the fridge and cupboards for out of date food!
3. Take a Meter Reading and Send to Your Supplier
As soon as you access your office for the first time since lockdown, take a meter reading and send to your supplier. This way estimated billing can stop, and you can save money because these rates could be much higher than the true figures. Ensure that your supplier bills you at the reduced usage for the last few months and keep track of how much energy your business is using the following months to assess your improvements.
4. Explore the Possibility of Fixing a Lower Priced Contract
As the market price of energy has fallen over lockdown, see if you can save more money by fixing a lower priced contract now. Even if you are still in a contract currently, you will be able to switch tariffs, potentially cut costs and boost profits. This will have a long-term positive effect on your monthly costs and, consequently, your energy usage.
5. Switch to a Low or No Standing Charge Tariff
If you are not returning to the office or you will be using less energy, maybe due to less staff in at a time with flexible working hours, then think about switching to a low or no standing charge tariff. This means that you will only pay for the amount you use and not the standing charge.
If you would like any help or advice with your business energy bills, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be more than happy to help you save money and become more energy efficient!