
Ubiconf & Wizyconf from Ocean Telecom

Video Conferenecing with Wildix Ubiconf & Wizyconf. A true WebRTC Video conferencing solution.

Choosing the right video conferencing solution can to be hard. Navigating the many products on offer to find the right one for your business is time consuming and most existing systems are very expensive, complex to use and reliant on installed software. Wildix have taken a different and innovative approach. By using WebRTC, any device can be used.

There’s no need to go to a pre-aranged conference room, or install additional hardware & software. Video conferencing with Ubiconf & Wizyconf couldn’t be simpler. Using a mobile device, tablet, or PC Ubiconf opens up high grade collaboration to everyone.

Ubiconf, video conferencing your way!

Ubiconf is a 100% WebRTC product. It offers huge flexibility and you the freedom to work your way. There’s no need to expensive hardware, no need to use a meeting room and you don’t need an IT engineer to set up a call, It’s simple!

Ubiconf is the ideal solution for one or two people using a laptop, PC or mobile device. If you would like to enhance your video conference experience, a Huddle or Ubiconf Voice may be the answer.

Schedule the conference through Outlook or Google and recieve reminders with a link to join.

Share your desktop, documents or applications and work together with all conferenced parties.

Record the whole conference, including audio, video and document sharing.

Why use WebRTC?

WebRTC technology allows secure real-time transmission of audio and video from browser to browser.
A recent survey carried out by Gartner concluded that by the end of 2019, 15% of businesses would be using WebRTC for audio and video communications. They went on to predict that number would double to 30% in 2020. An annual growth rate that can’t be ignored!

Huddle, the flexible way to video conference!

Using the camera and microphone on a laptop, PC, or mobile device has it’s limitations. You can also enhance you video conferenecing when using a conference room, boardroom or meeting room with additional hardware. The Ubiconf solution using the Ubiconf Huddle & Ubicolf Voice. These products also benefit from the Wildix 5 year hardware warranty!

Wizyconf, a highly versatile solution for larger conference rooms.

Wyziconf delivers high quality video conferenecing in a simple to use and intuative format. Utilising WebRTC and Chrome OS security, your system will deliver fantastic proffessional results.

With studio quality microphones, nothing is missed. A sophistcated HD PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) camera, that detects who’s speaking and zooms to frame the speaker.

It’s not just video conferencing! By using touch screen interactive displays, you can hold informative, collaborative discussions in real time with colleagues and customers alike by writing and drawing on the board. Upload images or PDF’s and draw on them to highlight areas of interest or ideas.

Wizyconf utilises 4k UHD cameras and studio quality microphones to provide a fantastic video conferencing experience.

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