

Wildix Web and Desktop App

Transferring Calls
Voicemail Forwarding

Q. How do I forward calls to Voicemail?


To set your personal external calls to route to voicemail go into Settings > Features then internal or external then select Activate class and enable this also for DND and Away statuses.  You can adjust the timers and settings as you need.  You can also change the forwarding to be to a colleague or other number if you don’t want it to go to voicemail.

We would recommend starting with the below settings (see screenshot) which will set yourself a busy and no answer forward (after 15 seconds) to voicemail when in available (green status).  Call forward immediately to voicemail when in DND (red status) and the same for away (yellow status).

You can change the settings as you need and the call timeout which is the no answer forward timer.  You can also forward to a colleague or external number if required by typing in the search box next to the forward feature.

Voicemail Greeting

Q. How do I record my Voicemail Greeting?

A. You can use any of your Wildix devices to access voicemail to change your greeting.

  • Dial *81
  • Press 0 for mailbox options
    • Then press 1 to record your unavailable greeting
    • or 2 to record your busy message
    • or 3 to record your name

We would recommend recording all 3 for the system


Desk Phones


Q. How do I answer and hangup on calls using a wired headset?

A.  If you have a headset plugged into the headset port on the bottom of the phone you first need to enable headset mode by pressing the Headset button.  Once enabled it will show a small orange headset icon in the top of the display.  To make calls you can simply start dialling on the keypad.  To answer a call select the ‘Answer’ soft key below the display, to hangup on a call press the ‘Cancel’ soft key.

If you press the speaker button at any time it will disable headset mode so you will need to enable it again.

Hot Desking

You will need the WEB password from your Welcome Email or if you have set one manually (within collaboration Settings > Personal and edit password) use that.

Q. How can I hot desk between phones?

A. Dial *99# from the phone (“Login” feature code) and follow the audio instructions:

  • Enter your extension number then #
  • Enter the password (PIN – it is sufficient to enter first five symbols of user WEB password)
  • To enter the user password from the phone’s dialpad, take into account the following:
    To enter any lowercase and uppercase letter, press ONCE a corresponding digit (E.g. to enter A, a, B, b, C or c, press 2)
    To enter special characters (%, ^, &, etc), press the star key (*)

Example: if user password is 4Ag7$Zl@, then you have to dial 4247*

Dial 1 to use this phone or 0 to logout from the phone

After a few seconds, extension is displayed on the phone’s screen; the phone is now assigned and can be used to make and receive calls.

Hunt Group Calls

Q.  How do I stop hunt group calls ringing when in DND or Away?

A. In default you will still receive hunt group calls if you put your status as DND or Away.  To stop hunt group calls coming through go into Settings > Contact Center and then enable the two options below and select Save

  • Sign-on
  • Unavailable on away/dnd

Voicemail Forwarding

Q. How do I forward calls to Voicemail?


To set your personal external calls to route to voicemail go into Settings > Features then internal or external then select Activate class and enable this also for DND and Away statuses.  You can adjust the timers and settings as you need.  You can also change the forwarding to be to a colleague or other number if you don’t want it to go to voicemail.

We would recommend starting with the below settings (see screenshot) which will set yourself a busy and no answer forward (after 15 seconds) to voicemail when in available (green status).  Call forward immediately to voicemail when in DND (red status) and the same for away (yellow status).

You can change the settings as you need and the call timeout which is the no answer forward timer.  You can also forward to a colleague or external number if required by typing in the search box next to the forward feature.

Voicemail Greeting

Q. How do I record my Voicemail Greeting?

A. You can use any of your Wildix devices to access voicemail to change your greeting.

  • Dial *81
  • Press 0 for mailbox options
    • Then press 1 to record your unavailable greeting
    • or 2 to record your busy message
    • or 3 to record your name

We would recommend recording all 3 for the system


Wildix Android Mobile App

Some of the settings and features require setup within the Web/Desktop Collaboration tool.  The mobile app is a cut down version where not all configuration options are available.

When using Wildix as an app on your smartphone it will use data either Wi-Fi or 3G/4G etc.  Sometimes you will find you have mobile voice signal but no data and Wildix does not function properly.  Without a good stable data connection you may experience poor voice quality and drop outs.


Echo on Calls

Q. Calls I make and receive have a lot of echo, how do I resolve?

A.  Within the Android mobile app go to Settings > Advanced and enable the Echo canceller option and select the option to calibrate the echo canceller.

Function Keys/Favourites

Q. How can I edit Function Keys/Favourites?

A.  When you select the blue dialpad icon at the bottom of the mobile app then slide to the left (4 squares icon) this will display your Function Keys.  The mobile app will currently only show the first 20 Function Keys you add.  These can only be setup within Collaboration, follow the Function Keys guide under the Wildix Web and Desktop App section above

Mobile Calls

Q. When I take a call on my mobile number can I set my Wildix status?

A.  Within the Android mobile app go to Settings > Advanced and enable the option ‘ User status when talking on mobile’ and then you can set what status you want to be in and the text to be displayed i.e. you could set DND and the text as ‘on a mobile call’.


Q. I don’t seem to be receiving notifications, how do I turn them on?

A.  In the Wildix app go to Settings > Advanced and select Test Push Notification to make sure they are working.  Also make sure your status is not in DND or Away that could stop you receiving calls.

There is a chance the app installed incorrectly, uninstall the app and reinstall but allow all options that pop up when you install it.


Q.  How do I change my Wildix login password?

A.  You will need to log into your Web collaboration and go into Settings > Personal then change the password.  If you use Office 365 or GSuite to login then you need to change your password there not in Wildix.

Transferring Calls

Q.  How do I transfer a call from my mobile app?

A.  Follow the video guide below

Voicemail Greeting

Q. How do I record my Voicemail Greeting?

A. You can use any of your Wildix devices to access voicemail to change your greeting.

  • Dial *81
  • Press 0 for mailbox options
    • Then press 1 to record your unavailable greeting
    • or 2 to record your busy message
    • or 3 to record your name

We would recommend recording all 3 for the system

Wildix iOS Mobile App

Some of the settings and features require setup within the Web/Desktop Collaboration tool.  The mobile app is a cut down version where not all configuration options are available.

When using Wildix as an app on your smartphone it will use data either Wi-Fi or 3G/4G etc.  Sometimes you will find you have mobile voice signal but no data and Wildix does not function properly.  Without a good stable data connection you may experience poor voice quality and drop outs.


Function Keys/Favourites

Q. How can I edit Function Keys/Favourites?

A.  When you select the blue dialpad icon at the bottom of the mobile app then slide to the left (4 squares icon) this will display your Function Keys.  The mobile app will currently only show the first 20 Function Keys you add.  These can only be setup within Collaboration, follow the Function Keys guide under the Wildix Web and Desktop App section above


Q. I don’t seem to be receiving notifications, how do I turn them on?

A. Within your Apple phone go to Settings > Notifications then select Collaboration and make sure Allow Notifications is switched on and set the remaining settings as you require.


Q.  How do I change my Wildix login password?

A.  You will need to log into your Web collaboration and go into Settings > Personal then change the password.  If you use Office 365 or GSuite to login then you need to change your password there not in Wildix.

Transferring Calls

Q.  How do I transfer a call from my mobile app?

A.  Follow the video guide below

Voicemail Greeting

Q. How do I record my Voicemail Greeting?

A. You can use any of your Wildix devices to access voicemail to change your greeting.

  • Dial *81
  • Press 0 for mailbox options
    • Then press 1 to record your unavailable greeting
    • or 2 to record your busy message
    • or 3 to record your name

We would recommend recording all 3 for the system

Video Conferencing

Audio or Video Not Working on iOS

Q. How do I fix any audio or video issues?

A.  When accessing a video conference it states it cannot access your microphone or camera.  If so then you need to make sure you allow access to these in Safari.  In your Apple device go to Settings > Safari then scroll down until you get to ‘Settings for Websites’ then in Camera and Microphone make sure Allow or Ask is selected not Deny.  On iOS there is also an app available for conference calls called Wizyconf.  You can download that instead of using through the Safari browser.  When installing make sure you allow access to your camera and microphone.

Creating a Video Conference

Q. How do I create a video conference?

A.  With Essentials license you can add only internal users, with a Business or Premium you can add external and internal.  Click the round Blue computer icon across the top and then complete the details, you can add external people by entering or pasting in their email address as a contact.  Remember to select the tick in the bottom right to send out the invite which will include a calendar entry as an attachment


Q. Can I invite people in during a conference?

A.  Yes.  Select the Invite option in the bottom right and then you can email direct from there is take a copy of the conference link and send it to someone.

Mute Everyone

Q. Can I mute everyone?

A.  If you are the conference organiser you can mute all participants and then they can unmute themselves.  You cannot unmute everyone at once but you can unmute individually.  Select the 3 dots in the bottom right and then Mute Everyone.

Temporarily Unmute

Q. Can I temporarily unmute myself instead of keeping unmuting and muting again to speak?

A.  If you have muted yourself then you can hold down the spacebar and it will unmute you and you can talk, when you let go of the spacebar you will be muted again.


Q. How do I show all participants as tiles on screen?

A.  In the bottom right there will be an icon with 4 squares you can select that to show all participants in separate tiles.  The limit for now is 12 tiles.  This will toggle between tile and sidebar view.

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Thetford Road,
Suffolk, IP31 1NR