All hours stated are clock hours, NOT working hours. There are no further enhanced or premium options available on leased lines to increase the SLA. Leased lines are by design on the best possible SLA available by default. The SLA clock is stopped by the supplier when the issue is passed back to the customer to check something, if the customer takes 2 hours to respond for example then those 2 hours are not included in the SLA. The SLA time is only the time spent by the supplier on the issue.
Incident Classification Matrix:
The Incident classification matrix set out below outlines the description, resolution and scheduled updates frequencies for the associated Incident priorities.
Priority Level | Description | Target Resolution Time | Response Time |
High | Total loss of Service resulting from a single event. User has total loss of Service/product or degraded beyond usable limits. Degraded Service. E.g. Errors, packet loss to router interface, Inability to transmit/receive where Business operations are severely impacted. | 5 hours- Ethernet# 7 hours for other services**# | ½ hour followed by updates each hour |
Medium | Partial loss of Service or degradation of Service, resulting from one event. Partial loss where Service is intermittent or slow throughput. Dribbling errors; packet loss less than 25%; slow throughput; | 24 hours | 4 hours |
Low | Service Enhancement* that requires a change to the existing Service and/or DWS Network components that will facilitate Service. (*Service Enhancements exclude speed upgrades which are considered on a case-by-case basis and the DWS shall endeavour to resolve such requests within 10 Business Days) Service requests or changes etc | 3 Business Days | – |
** Other services are Etherway Copper, Superfast GEA,EFM.
# time for resolution is extended to 15 hours if it is the result of a fibre break
The Client understands and accepts that it may be necessary to extend the timescales in the Incident classification matrix above due to the complexity of the Incident, or where our supplier is dependent on a third party for resolution of the Incident. In such circumstances, our supplier shall use reasonable endeavours to eliminate or reduce the impact of the Incident on the Service by provision of a workaround, with permanent correction to follow.
Service Credits
In the event that a customer’s leased line is down for longer than the stated SLA, Ocean Telecom will offer service credits once the full report has been received from the supplier which can be 1-2 weeks after the outage. The supplier’s report will indicate the time over SLA from which we will work out the service credits. For each hour the leased line is down out of SLA, we will offer 5% of the monthly rental up to a maximum of 12 hours (60% of the monthly rental). The SLA calculated is final from the supplier and all service credits are based on that.